I thought someone might find my summary of the traits of Hans-Thies Lehmann's Postdramatische theater useful. Here we go:

text is merely a component fragmentary and partial abandons itself to chance/risk
trusts individual impulses microstructures of text theatre of states and scenically dynamic formations
makes ceremonial aspect of theatre important for its own sake replacement of action with ceremony theatre of the voice (reverberation of the past)
drama, emptiness, in-betweenness are protagonists dialogue takes place between sound and space phenomenon over narrative
a time of the gaze human beings become gestic sculptures post-anthropocentric
open and fragmenting perception heterogenous, individual imaginations resembles structures of dreams
non-hierarchical elements more presence than representation more shared than communicated experience
more process than product more manifestation than signification more energetic impulse than information
simultaneity aims at synaesthesia density of signs—or not (thereby activating imagination)
plethora, overabundance, hypernaturalism—theatre of props musicalization = sound is a new language in the theatre? visual dramaturgy through scenography
coldness of characters shocking physicality theatre of perceptibility (we start seeing seeing)
irruption of the real—not knowing whether something is real or not no aesthetic distance (we are part of a common situation) an event (feast, debate, public action, political manifestation)
social situation for all participants: what you experience depends on all overlap between theatre and performance art a theatre of the present, not intermediary but continuous point of presentness
body’s presence over logos theatre becomes chora-graphy rupture of meaning between being and meaning
polyglossia reminders of reading/speaking a text = unnatural not an I that speaks but an it through a complex machinized composition/agencement